The Drone Transport Initiative

The Drone Transport Initiative (DTI) is exploring how drone technology can be used to improve health care for rural and remote First Nation and non-First Nation communities.


The Drone Transport Initiative Research Cluster!

The DTI was recently recognized as a research cluster by the UBC Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation (VPRI) Grants for Catalyzing Research Clusters (GCRC). This pioneering initiative, co-led by the UBC Faculty of Medicine, Stellat’en First Nation, the Village of Fraser Lake, and health system partners, explores how drones could revolutionize healthcare access in rural and remote communities. Currently, virtual consultations are common, but geographic barriers hinder access to diagnostic tests, medication, and medical supplies. The DTI aims to integrate drone technology into the healthcare supply chain, enhancing delivery efficiency and accessibility across British Columbia.

Phase 1 of the Drone Transport Initiative (see  2-minute video) 

Phase 1 of the initiative involved over 1200 flights in twelve months, successfully transporting medication and medical supplies. This phase demonstrated the drones’ ability to strengthen patient access and provide responsive delivery between facilities, envisioning a future where drone technology is integral to BC’s healthcare landscape.

Now seeking collaboration across BC’s health system, the DTI aims to develop a scalable model for implementation in other regions. Partnerships include an interdisciplinary research cluster at UBC and engagement with the aviation sector through the Prince George Airport. The DTI cluster, comprising researchers, private companies, public sector collaborators, and regulators, focuses on co-creating innovative solutions to address health inequities and improve emergency response in rural, remote, and Indigenous communities. These efforts aim to establish transferable pathways applicable across all healthcare settings in Canada.

Problems That DTI Solves

Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action 

Improve Health Service Quality

Implementation Science

Evolving Health Landscape

Agile Supply Chain Response

Tackling Climate Change

Pushing Technology Limits


Data-Informed Policy

Support Our Vision

Your donation to the Drone Transport Initiative (DTI) will help us harness drone technology to enhance healthcare in rural and remote First Nation and non-First Nation communities. By supporting DTI, you are empowering us to overcome geographical barriers, ensuring timely medical assistance and resources reach those who need them most.

Each contribution, whether financial or through community engagement, brings us closer to transforming healthcare delivery. Together, we can leverage cutting-edge technology to drive meaningful change and promote health equity for all.

Our Development team would be pleased to discuss your and/or your organization’s interest in investment and involvement with the Drone Transport Initiative.

For more information on opportunities please contact:

Stephanie Cardwell

Associate Director, Development, Faculty of Medicine


Contact Us

For more information or inquiries on this initiative please contact us using the email below.